Detecting bankruptcy fraud can be challenging for both trustees and creditors. Sometimes the sign isn’t always obvious. Red flags can be hidden in thousands
of documents, business records, and intricate relationships. Sometimes, a lack of information or insufficient information can signify that something has
been concealed.
Other red flags are preferential payments, poor keeping of records, missing assets, too much cash activity, a spike in insider transactions, and heavily revised information.
A forensic accountant expert will be able to detect these red flags. In general, forensic accountants identify and confirm the red flags, as well as trace the movement of funds and/or assets.
Our TRACE FORENSIC EXPERTS are experienced forensic accountants and Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) who have extensive experience in providing forensic accounting services to trustees and law firms involved in receivership, bankruptcy, and restructuring.
TRACE FORENSIC EXPERTS helps trustees and law firms identify and forensically examine:
We provide expert witness testimony and reports for bankruptcy and are highly skilled at asset tracing.
of documents, business records, and intricate relationships. Sometimes, a lack of information or insufficient information can signify that something has
been concealed.
Other red flags are preferential payments, poor keeping of records, missing assets, too much cash activity, a spike in insider transactions, and heavily revised information.
A forensic accountant expert will be able to detect these red flags. In general, forensic accountants identify and confirm the red flags, as well as trace the movement of funds and/or assets.
Our TRACE FORENSIC EXPERTS are experienced forensic accountants and Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) who have extensive experience in providing forensic accounting services to trustees and law firms involved in receivership, bankruptcy, and restructuring.
TRACE FORENSIC EXPERTS helps trustees and law firms identify and forensically examine:
- Unusual items in accounting and other financial information
- Potential window dressing schemes
- Potential fraudulent transfers and other related party transactions
- Fictitious transactions and fraudulent transfers
- Artificial inflation of compensation
- Ponzi schemes
We provide expert witness testimony and reports for bankruptcy and are highly skilled at asset tracing.